Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Higher Education - July 15, 2008

I've decided to go back to college and complete my degree. I got an Associate degree in Psychology in 1980, which qualified me for my career in Addictions counseling, but there have been times when I missed out on advancement because I lacked the higher initials. I've thought about it often, but there was always too much going on in my life, and the more time passed, the harder it seemed to get back to education - though I have racked up over 400 CEU hours in Addiction studies. I was busy with family, children's activities, career, 2nd job - and I kept putting it on the back burner, thinking I'd go back when my kids were grown. Well, my baby is 24 and I'm no longer working a 2nd job. This time, I actually contacted 5 colleges. I had a real problem with choosing a major - not knowing whether I wanted a general psychology major or not, and looking at other options like criminal justice & health care administration. I wanted something that would take my transfer credits, and with the possibility of credit for work experience and those CEUs. I'm looking primarily at the colleges in the University of Maryland system, and one has an almost perfect match. Coppin State University is a small inner city campus about 3 miles from my office that offers a Bachelor's degree in Applied Psychology: Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counseling. I called today, and found out that once I'm enrolled, I could work with an adviser and the Department head to make a portfolio based on the CEU classes for college credits. In looking over the degree requirements vs my transfer credits, I found that I am missing some 1st & 2nd year core requirements that I can take at the Community College for transfer. I applied today, and will start in the fall - one course at a time.


  1. Congratulations! How long do you anticipate it will take to reach your goal?

  2. Taking one class at a time I can earn 12 credits a year. I have 76 now, and I need 120. The maximum credits you can get from a portfolio is 30, but there's no guarantee that I'll get that many, and there may be requirements to meet that will take my total over 120. Hopefully, I can get it done in 2 years.

  3. I'm a slow learner so double (at least) they time it will take you for me. (c;

  4. Added bonus - tuition reimbursement. I'm gong to talk to an adviser tomorrow.

  5. Money back is always a good thing. (c;
