Friday, August 22, 2008

Home Alone - August 22, 2008

I'm having a rare day at home by myself. DH, DD & DGS are at the shore, and mom is at the senior center. When I realized I'd have this opportunity, I took the day off work. So what am I doing? I'm cleaning. I don't mind cleaning when I'm by myself. No one is underfoot, there are no interruptions, and I can set my own pace. I'm using the Fly Lady "crisis cleaning" plan - working 15 minutes in a room for 45 minutes, and taking a 15 minute break each hour. I might not get every room finished, but I'll get a lot done.

1 comment:

  1. May I quote you? My wife doesn't seem to understand that I feel the same way. "If you want a clean house then get out!" **LOL**
