Saturday, February 19, 2011

Remte control

I got a Wii for Christmas and it is still not hooked up!  The living room TV only has one auxiliary port in the front & the husband did not want to unhook the DVD player.  He almost never watches any DVDs, so I convinced him to hook up the Wii.  Now, the remote that changes the input from TV to video game is lost.  The menu button *should* do that function, but it does not.  I found a replacement remote on eBay, though I might hook up the Wii in the bedroom.


  1. And to think 20 years ago I made fun of a friend who had 3 or 4 remotes. I think I top that now. (c;

  2. The cable remotes are supposed to be universal, but they don't work for all the functions. Bedroom TV has 3 remotes. One for input, power & volume, one for cable functions & one for the DVD player. Living room TV has 2 cable remotes.

  3. From what I've seen "Universal Remote" means the day it left the factory but not after that. )c;

  4. Wire your "Clapper" to it. **LOL**
