Thursday, April 28, 2011

Root Canal

Other than a few fillings and an ongoing battle with gum disease, I've had very little problem associated with dental care.  This past Saturday, I had some irritation on the upper left side of my mouth, which I attributed to food particles getting stuck in my gum.  I used the water pik, floss and the proxy brush, but still had the irritation.  On Sunday, I used the water pik full blast and the pain got worse.  On Monday, I went to the dentist for x-rays.  They did not find any cavity, sent me home with instructions to brush gently and rinse with warm salt water, skip flossing & water pik for a few days, and if the pain didn't go away, call them Thursday.  The pain got progressively worse, both hot and cold made it worse, and I couldn't bite down on the left at all.  I went back to the dentist this morning and he did a root canal.  Resting now. 


  1. I've had a couple of root canals and believe it or not none of them bothered me. No pain. Oh well, I guess you can't cause pain in someone who's already numb. (c;

    OTOH I am in the process of overcoming sciatica which did hurt LOTS and LOTS! So I guess I'm only partially numb. (c;

  2. I have a follow up visit to get the crown. The pain is gone, except when I bite down hard on that side. Taking Rx antibiotic & ibuprofen; I know why people with dental problems want drugs.

    I hope you have good ortho & neuro doctors. If you lived in CA you could ask for medical marijuana.

  3. When's the next plane to CA?? **LOL**
