Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weighing in on the Penn State sex abuse scandal: Why people fail to act

I posted something like this on another board and got slammed, so first let me preface:

1. While the theory I present provides explanation for certain human behavior, it in no way condones or excuses such behavior.
2. Those involved in the cover up deserved to be removed from positions of power and influence
3. The public, and particularly those who work with youth, needs to be educated & trained about how to act in emergency situations and how to report abuse

Most people think they would act in an emergency situation; however, here is a known psychological phenomena called the bystander effect.  The more individuals present to witness an emergency, the less likely any one individual will act.  The witness will hesitate for the following reasons:  1) they will question & minimize what they saw, 2) they are afraid for their own safety, &/or 3) they believe someone else will act, usually an authority figure.  The bystander effect in the Penn State case did not involve group witness, though the individual witnesses of the abuse hesitated in much the same manner.  Several witnesses, at different times, questioned/minimized what they saw.  One witness went to an authority figure.  Each time the abuse was reported up the ladder & removed from the actual witness, it was minimized.  Anal sex with a 10 year old became "inappropriate behavior", then "horsing round in the shower".   The primary difference is that those involved were apparently concerned about reputation, rather than personal safety, and ignored grave harm and injury to the victims. 

I have attended various "youth protection" training in the past.  Each time, I was informed of the duty to report suspected child abuse, but never told how to make a report. As a counselor, I have a duty to report when abuse is disclosed, even if the abuse happened in the past; but again, no direction on how to report.   If I were to witness something as horrible as as child sexual abuse, I would hope to be someone who would act immediately.


  1. I don't see that anything you just wrote deserves to be slammed. I've read it all before. I guess that means only those ignorant of facts were the "slammers". I pity them their ignorance.

  2. Someone on that board took bits & pieces of my post as making excuses for those who covered up. The bystander effect is classic social psychology.

  3. Never knew that kind of behavior had a name. I always just said that people feel empowered by distance in that you can't smack them upside the head when they get out of line because they're not in the same room with you. Used to also be knows as the 'obscene phone call'. (c;
