Sunday, June 10, 2012

Online calendars

I have a calendar in Outlook, one on Yahoo, one on Google & one on Windows Live.  They are not coordinated in any way; I have the birthday list on Yahoo, & a daily prayer set up on Google; not sure what I have on Windows Live, and nothing set up on Outlook.    I send reminders to myself, but I never set up sharing.  I recently started using the Cozi Home Calendar. I added some events today & downloaded the iPhone app. I like it, but I am only using it for a personal calendar. 


  1. I am still playing around with the Cozi Calendar. I like it a lot, but no one else wants to use yet another calendar. So I am also adding things to my Google calendar. I think several people in my family already use the Google calendar, so I can try sharing my Google calendar & see how it works.

  2. Went over to Apple and our calendars (both iPhones and both computers) are coordinated automatically when an entry is made into any one of them. Pretty cool if you ask me. (c;

  3. My Google calendar is default on my iPhone and it sends me reminders. The Cozi Calendar sends me my weekly schedule on Sunday night; I haven't figured out how to make the Google calendar do that.

  4. We're using the calendar that came with both iPhones and iMac computers.
