Monday, August 17, 2009


When I took college courses in the 70s, I don't remember the college bookstore offering used textbooks.  Maybe they weren't much cheaper than buying new so I just bought new books, and kept them thinking I'd use them for reference someday (but never did).  They were left behind when I moved, though I have a few books from various addictions courses I've taken over the years.  This time, I've bought used books from the college bookstore with the intention of selling them back, but twice, they were not buying back my particular books.  Thanks to my daughter, I've discovered  She sold my algebra book for me, and now I've sold a couple of books, and bought another for my upcoming course at a significant discount compared to the college bookstore's price for a used copy.  Sometimes, the college bookstore offers a better deal for a bundled package, so I still check both places.  

1 comment:

  1. In NYC the chain book store (I don't remember which one) nearest the school, NYU,'had "preowned" text books at much better prices than the NYU bookstore. But you really had to know what courses you were in for and get to the store mucho fast otherwise they'd be sold out.

    I'm glad to see somebody's doing the resale bit online now. That should cut into the stiff resale prices by the college stores.
