Friday, December 11, 2009

Online shopping rocks!!

Even a procrastinator like me just got some great discounts & free shipping.  All items in stock & promised by 12/18/09.  K-Mart/Sears saved me tax, too.  Their free shipping offer calculated the shipping, deducted it from the total before calculating tax & then added a lesser shipping charge on the new total.  Sounds convoluted, but it resulted in additional savings.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of any online company off-setting tax and shipping but it's a great idea. It has always bothered me that the states wanted us to pay both tax and shipping. After all the company that delivers the items pays employees where in turn both pay taxes as well as gas taxes for the delivery vehicles which in turn allows the employees to have pocket money to spend.

    What is there about 'trickle down' the politicians don't understand? **LOL**
