There has been a long tradition of Scouting in my family. My sisters & I were Girl Scouts, though I didn't stay with it long as a kid. My brothers were in Cub Scouts for a few years, and one was in Boy Scouts. When my neice & nephew were young, my sister was a Girl Scout leader and other sister & brother-in-law were involved with Cub Packs and Boy Scout troops for many years. My son was in from Tiger Cub to Life Scout - through his Senior year in high school. My daughter was in Girl Scouts from Daisy to Cadette - she lost interest in middle school. I held many leadership positions with both Scouting groups. Now 2 of my grandsons will be old enough to join Cub Scouts in the fall.
I was in scouting as a kid in grade school but the scoutmaster left and the two guys who took his place didn't have a clue. A few years later I did join the Civil Air Patrol. I don't think they even exist any longer.
ReplyDeleteI was in Brownies and 1 year of Juniors. I wanted to go camping and build fires, and we never did any of that, but we did do some fun crafts. I did enjoy being a Den Leader, and Girl Scout Leader. We checked out 3 different Cub Packs for my grandson. Thre were a few summer activities he could do, but we'll probably wait until fall.
ReplyDeleteEven our good scoutmaster wasn't very good about outdoorsy stuff.