Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Swimming Pool

I always wanted a swimming pool.  When I was a kid, my neighbors had a 3 foot pool, then later a 4 foot pool.  We belonged to a community pool for a few years, but never got one for the yard.  I bought small pools for the kids, and got a 3 foot pool one year, but it didn't hold up over the winter.  We tried a few more times with the small quick set pools, but they did not have filters and were hard to keep clean.  A few years ago, I started seeing these pools that looked like a big blue inner tube - quick set pools with filter included.  My daughter got one and set it up in the yard.  It's not on a completely level spot, but it's good enough for the grandkids - at least the older ones - to splash around & cool off.  Now we have to get replacement filters, a pool cover and pool chemicals.  I probably won't get in it much, and I'd still like to have a built in pool like the one my dad had in FL.


  1. As a kid my pool was Palisades Amusement Park in Cliffside Park, NJ. Today it's high rise condos.

  2. The pool I belonged to as a child was a private pool, and the membership got too expensive. When I was a teen, my dad had waterfront homes, which was good for boating. It was supposedly safe for swimming, but the bottom was yucky so you had to wear the swimming shoes or only get in with an inner tube. I still live in a waterfront area, but there is no community pier. Thre is no ban on swimming there, but it is nasty. I like a nice clean pool.

  3. I've never been a big fan of lake or river swimming either. I can take the ocean but prefer pools.
